The time has come upon us to transition the league to our new leader. You all spoke, and after much vetting, I had to go with the only person that elected them self to take us on our next journey. Yes, that’s right, Misha (Mookie and the Betts) will be our unparalleled leader, officially taking the reigns after our 2019 season. Little back story into why I believe Misha will be an excellent commissioner for Baldedlli’s.
Let me take you back to the year 2002 where Misha and I first met. It was through a mutual friend, who had aspirations to be a pharmacist, but couldn’t get out of his boring, most mundane life to achieve such high levels of success, as a pharmacist. We’ll call him the pharmacist. Through the pharmacist, we became roommates our second year of college. Within the first two weeks of us all living together, it became clear that the aspiring pharmacist was a douche, and that our common interests in foosball, baseball and double dare sealed our alliance.
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